Showing posts with label assessment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assessment. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Where to go for Contamination Assessment Sydney?


Contamination Assessment Sydney

Contamination Assessment Sydney is an important task which must be conducted on a contaminated land before any commercial or residential construction is carried out. For the same purpose, a Contamination Report Sydney is made to reveal the potential environmental concerns and hazardous pollutants present on the contaminated land. The report also mentions the methods in which we can manage these wastes and render them harmless.

The various reporting stages are as discussed below:

1. Preliminary Site Investigation:  This step is carried out with the objective to determine whether the potential contaminant can exist on the site and whether further investigation is required.

2. Sampling Analysis: This stage provides the details, justification and techniques involved in quality sampling and its analysis method.

3. Detailed Site Investigation:  This stage has the capacity to provide more detailed account on issues arising in preliminary site investigation.

4. Site specific risk identification and modeling: This step is used in further assessment of potential harm to human health and environment by the contaminants existing on a specific site.

5. Remedial Action Plan: The step is used to set remediation plans and strategies to render the site completely harmless.

6. Site Validation:  To monitor that the remediation process is carried out in compliance with the regulatory guidelines as put forward by EPA.

7.  Environment Management Plan:  This step involves laying down monitoring principles and mitigation strategies where full contamination cleaning is not possible.

8. Ongoing Monitoring: The step is formulated with the motive to document all monitoring parameters like location and frequency and other decisions or additional actions required in reporting.

At, we ensure high end solution for all land & soil contamination related problems. Our contamination assessment reports are highly scientific and factual prepared by the most educated environmentalists in Australia.

Call us today for sustainable waste management.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Contamination Assessment Sydney

Contamination Assessment Sydney

Contamination assessment Sydney has become very vital these days. Until and unless the contamination assessment in Sydney is done, there can be hardly any step taken to clear or eliminate that contamination. The contamination assessment Sydney also determines the contamination percentage.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Where to find a Licensed Asbestos Assessor in Australia?


Licensed Asbestos Assessor

Remedial Action Plan NSW is prepared by geologists are engineers for the purpose of environmental cleanup cause due to industrialization and construction needs. This is a strategic plan formulated with the goal to clean environment within a fixed time to avoid any serious environmental degradation due to unsustainable human activities.

The necessary steps to prepare RAP, NSW include:

  1. Employ an environmental agency with decades of plan devising experience like Sydney Environmental, Australia.
  2. Use a formal tone in your RAP.
  3. Include why your organization was unable to comply with current government environmental guidelines.
  4. Show diligence to implement the right environment friendly measures.
  5. Showcase a plan of action that is achievable.
  6. Describe the deficiency and previous lapses in details.
  7. Provide corrective measures in RAP and identify the necessary causes.
  8. Specify important persons of your organization who are liable for implementation of corrective eco-friendly measures.

Asbestos is a building material that is used in infrastructure building and construction purposes for decades. Little did we know before, about its harmful effects on human health and natural environment? Fine asbestos particles settle in the lungs of human workers exposed for long time causing chronic pulmonary obstructive diseases. Thus, asbestos considered as a human health hazard need to be safely disposed maintaining current guidelines of the Government in Australia.

Licensed Asbestos Assessor in Australia is a trained professional equipped to remove and demolish asbestos waste efficiently.  They undertake the tasks for air monitoring, clearance and inspections and issue certificates on successful removal of friable asbestos. These professionals are license holders and can successfully remove class A friable and dangerous asbestos from a demolition site.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Waste Classification Assessment NSW can Help You Know More About the Type of Waste and How It can be Managed!

Waste Classification Assessment NSW

There are different things that need to be considered, checked and investigated when you are constructing a building. There are also certain things that we use to overlook but this must not be done when you are looking for the safety of that building. One such element is the asbestos inspection and you must not ignore this. There is always a need to get the asbestos inspection certification and this certification will suggest whether or not the materials used to make that building are free from asbestos. There are many building development materials coming to the market and you cannot really determine whether or not those materials carry ACM. It’s the ACM that is considered as the material which may carry more than one percent of asbestos. As far as the asbestos inspection is concerned, this can be done to re-examine whether or not the facility or the building has the additional ACM. This can also be done in case you suspect the presence of this material.

·         Know the type of waste

As far as waste is concerned, this can be classified into five different categories like hazardous waste, recyclable waste, organic waste, solid waste, and liquid waste. The waste classification assessment NSW has become more vital these days. Though waste classification assessment, proper assessment of the waste can be done. Once this is done the type of waste can also be determined. Knowing the type of waste is always vital.

·         Water management is vital

Once you are able to determine this, it will also become easier for you to determine what sort of steps can be taken to manage that waste properly and it will further not damage our environment or our health.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Contaminated Land Risk Assessment

Contaminated Land Risk Assessment

Are you looking for contaminated land risk assessment? We at Sydney Environmental Group help peoples with the assessment, remediation, and management of contaminated land. Our technical knowledge of local, state and national legislation combined with our experience allows focusing on special requirements of clients.