Showing posts with label Remedial Action Plan NSW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remedial Action Plan NSW. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024

Detailed Site Investigation In NSW For Critical Insights for Sustainable Development

When it comes to environmental management and remediation, New South Wales (NSW) in Australia is at the forefront, implementing stringent regulations and guidelines to ensure the protection of its natural resources and communities.

Understanding Detailed Site Investigation

Before any remediation efforts can commence, it is essential to conduct a Detailed Site Investigation NSW. This investigative process involves a thorough examination of the site to assess the extent of contamination, identify potential risks to human health and the environment, and gather essential data necessary for developing an effective remediation strategy.

DSI typically includes various techniques such as soil and groundwater sampling, geophysical surveys, and the analysis of historical site data. These methods help environmental consultants and engineers gain a comprehensive understanding of the site's environmental condition, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding remedial actions.

Detailed Site Investigation NSW
Detailed Site Investigation NSW

Key Objectives of this investigation-

  1. Identifying contaminants - DSI aims to identify the types and concentrations of contaminants present in soil, groundwater, and surface water at the site. This information is crucial for determining the appropriate remediation technologies and strategies.

  2. Assessing environmental risks - By evaluating the extent and severity of contamination, DSI helps assess the potential risks posed to human health, wildlife, and ecosystems. This risk assessment forms the basis for developing remedial goals and prioritizing cleanup efforts.

  3. Characterizing site conditions – The Detailed Site Investigation NSW provides valuable insights into the geological, hydrological, and hydrogeological characteristics of the site, including factors such as soil types, groundwater flow patterns, and aquifer properties. This information is essential for designing effective remediation systems and predicting the behavior of contaminants over time.

  4. Compliance with regulations - Conducting a DSI is often a regulatory requirement in NSW for sites undergoing remediation. Compliance with relevant environmental regulations and guidelines ensures that remediation activities are conducted responsibly and in accordance with best practices.

Developing a Remedial Action Plan

Once the DSI is complete and the extent of contamination is thoroughly understood, the next step is to develop a Remedial Action Plan NSW. The RAP outlines the specific remediation objectives, strategies, and techniques to be employed to mitigate environmental risks and restore the site to an acceptable condition.

Key Components of a Remedial Action Plan-

  1. Remedial Objectives- Clearly defined goals and targets for cleanup efforts, including quantitative criteria for contaminant removal or reduction.

  2. Remediation Technologies- Identification and evaluation of appropriate remediation technologies based on site-specific conditions, such as excavation and disposal, in-situ treatment, bioremediation, or chemical oxidation.

  3. Implementation Plan- Detailed schedule and timeline for implementing remedial actions, including site preparation, equipment mobilization, and monitoring activities.

  4. Risk Management Strategies- Measures to mitigate potential risks associated with remediation activities, such as worker safety protocols, dust and erosion control, and emergency response procedures.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Detailed Site Investigation NSW – Why It Is So Important

As our commitment to environmental sustainability grows, so does the importance of responsible land management practices. Know what these key aspects are that play a pivotal role in ensuring environmental compliance and fostering a healthier ecosystem.

A Remedial Action Plan NSW is a structured strategy designed to address and rectify identified environmental issues on a specific site. In NSW, this plan is crucial for properties where contamination, such as soil or groundwater pollution, has been detected. The primary goal is to outline a clear roadmap for the systematic cleanup and restoration of the affected area.

Components of a RAP

  1. Site Assessment - Conducting a comprehensive site assessment is the first step. This involves identifying the nature and extent of contamination, understanding the potential risks, and determining the most effective remediation techniques.

  2. Remediation Strategies - The RAP outlines the strategies and technologies that will be employed to remediate the contaminated site. This could involve physical removal of pollutants, bioremediation, or other innovative techniques.

  3. Monitoring and Validation - Continuous monitoring is integral to gauge the effectiveness of the implemented strategies. The RAP includes provisions for ongoing assessment and validation to ensure that the site meets environmental standards.

  4. Regulatory Compliance - Adherence to local and national environmental regulations is a cornerstone of any RAP. The plan must align with the guidelines set by regulatory bodies to guarantee legal compliance.

Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) in NSW

Before initiating a Remedial Action Plan NSW, a Detailed Site Investigation is conducted to thoroughly understand the environmental conditions of a property. This investigation is a meticulous process that involves sampling and analyzing various environmental media to identify potential contaminants.

Detailed Site Investigation NSW
Detailed Site Investigation NSW

Key Aspects of a DSI

  1. Site Sampling - Experts collect samples of soil, groundwater, and sometimes air, to assess the presence and concentration of contaminants. The sampling locations are strategically chosen based on potential risk factors.

  2. Laboratory Analysis - The collected samples undergo rigorous laboratory analysis to identify the types and concentrations of contaminants. This information forms the basis for developing an effective RAP.

  3. Risk Assessment - A risk assessment is conducted to evaluate the potential impact of the identified contaminants on human health and the environment. This informs the level of urgency and the remediation strategies required.

  4. Data Interpretation - The results from the Detailed Site Investigation NSW are interpreted to create a comprehensive understanding of the environmental conditions, helping to formulate targeted and efficient remediation strategies.


In NSW, the synergy between a Remedial Action Plan and a Detailed Site Investigation NSW is imperative for fostering environmentally sustainable practices. These initiatives not only address existing contamination issues but also pave the way for the responsible management of land resources. By prioritizing these comprehensive approaches, we contribute to the preservation and enhancement of our natural surroundings for future generations.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Remedial Action Plan NSW Must be Taken to Reduce or Remove the Contamination!

Contamination has arisen as a big matter of concern these days. There is a wide range of issues are arising across the globe due to ground water, soil and air contamination. This occurs due to different reasons and there can be different source behind the contamination. If you really want to know more about what sort of contamination is there, then you always need to get deep into this matter. And for this the site investigation can be very helpful. There are many such sites in Australia which are not considered as the most proper sites for further construction works and other usages. These lands are being contaminated and due to this reason, the authorities have also declared these sites as the improper places for further usages. Workers working at these sites further can come across a wide range of health issues due to the contamination. So first the contamination needs to be managed , prevented and eliminated and then only these sites will be declared as the right places for further usages.

Remedial Action Plan NSW
Remedial Action Plan NSW

·         It helps to reduce or remove the contamination

It’s the detailed site investigation NSW that is going to be very helpful at this point. Due to the contamination occurring with soil, air and ground water, health risks is also remaining very high for the people. This also affects the environment very badly. This is where the Council can come into the act and they can take steps to reduce or remove the contamination to such a level that is accepted by the industries.

·         Taking action is always vital

It’s the detailed site investigation that is also helpful from another perspective such as it suggests the ways to follow or the steps to be taken so that contamination can be reduced or removed to the safest extent. Remedial action plan NSW is a part of this process.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Detailed Site Investigation NSW – Comprehensive Understanding Of Conditions

In the realm of environmental management, addressing and mitigating the impact of contamination is a critical aspect. These processes contribute to environmental sustainability and public health.

A Remedial Action Plan (RAP) is a comprehensive document that outlines the strategies and actions to be taken to address and rectify contamination at a particular site. RAPs are tailored to the specific circumstances of each site and are a crucial component of the environmental management process in NSW.

Identification of Contaminants: RAPs begin with a thorough analysis of the contaminants present at a site. This involves detailed testing and analysis to identify the types and concentrations of pollutants.

  1. Risk Assessment: Once contaminants are identified, a risk assessment is conducted to evaluate potential risks to human health and the environment. This assessment informs the development of strategies for containment or remediation.

  2. Development of Remedial Strategies: Based on the risk assessment, Remedial Action Plan NSW propose strategies for remediation or containment of contaminants. This could involve excavation and removal, the installation of barriers, or the use of natural processes for remediation.

  3. Compliance with Regulatory Standards: RAPs must comply with the regulatory standards set by bodies such as the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA). This ensures that remediation efforts meet the necessary environmental and safety benchmarks.

  4. Monitoring and Reporting: The Remedial Action Plan NSW typically include provisions for ongoing monitoring to assess the effectiveness of remedial actions. Regular reporting is essential for demonstrating progress and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Detailed Site Investigations (DSIs) are a crucial precursor to the development of Remedial Action Plans. DSIs provide a comprehensive understanding of the environmental conditions at a site and inform subsequent remediation efforts.

  1. Site Characterization: DSIs involve a thorough characterization of the site, including the geology, hydrogeology, and soil conditions. This information is vital for understanding how contaminants may have spread or migrated.

  2. Sampling and Analysis: The Detailed Site Investigation NSW include the collection of soil, water, and air samples for laboratory analysis. The results of these tests provide data on the types and concentrations of contaminants present at the site.

    Detailed Site Investigation NSW
    Detailed Site Investigation NSW 

  3. Identification of Contaminant Sources: DSIs aim to identify the sources of contamination, whether from historical industrial activities, waste disposal practices, or other sources. This information is crucial for developing effective remediation strategies.

  4. Risk Assessment: Similar to RAPs, DSIs contribute to the risk assessment process by evaluating the potential impact of contaminants on human health and the environment. This assessment guides the development of remedial strategies.

  5. Regulatory Compliance: DSIs must adhere to regulatory standards set by environmental authorities in NSW. Compliance ensures that the investigation process meets the required quality and safety standards.

These processes, guided by stringent regulatory frameworks, ensure that contaminated sites are thoroughly assessed, and effective remediation strategies are implemented. By actively managing and remediating contaminated sites, NSW is taking proactive steps toward environmental sustainability and the protection of its communities. The integration of RAPs and Detailed Site Investigation NSW exemplifies a commitment to responsible environmental stewardship, setting a precedent for effective and transparent environmental management practices.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Navigating Sydney's Waste Classification Maze: A Guide to Responsible Disposal


Waste management is a critical issue in any urban environment, and Sydney is no exception. With its ever-growing population and industrial activities, the need for effective waste management practices is paramount. One crucial aspect of this process is waste classification. In this blog post, we'll delve into the concept of waste classification in Sydney and why it's essential for a sustainable future.

Waste Classification in Sydney

Waste Classification Sydney refers to the systematic categorization of waste materials based on their characteristics, properties, and potential environmental impact. In Sydney, this process is governed by regulations and guidelines set by local and state authorities, as well as environmental agencies.

Why Is Waste Classification Important?

  •    Environmental Impact: Proper Waste Classification Report Sydney helps identify materials that can harm the environment. By categorizing waste, Sydney can better manage and mitigate the impact of hazardous or toxic substances on the ecosystem.

    Waste Classification Report Sydney
    Waste Classification Report Sydney

  •         Legal Compliance: Local and state regulations require businesses and individuals to classify and dispose of waste properly. Failing to do so can result in penalties, emphasizing the importance of adhering to waste classification guidelines.

  •     Resource Management: Waste classification helps determine whether materials can be recycled, reused, or need specialized disposal methods. This optimizes resource management and reduces the strain on landfills.   

  •        Public Health: The correct classification and disposal of waste materials protect public health by preventing contamination of air, soil, and water sources.

The Waste Classification Process

  •  Identification: The first step in waste classification is identifying the type and origin of the waste. Is it residential, commercial, industrial, or hazardous waste? This information helps categorize it correctly.

  •  Physical Characteristics: The physical properties of waste, such as its consistency, odor, and appearance, play a role in classification.

  •        Chemical Composition: Analyzing the chemical composition of waste materials is vital for identifying hazardous substances that require special handling.

  •         Environmental Impact: Assessing the potential environmental impact of the waste material is essential to determine if it poses risks to the surroundings.

  •         Regulatory Compliance: To classify waste correctly, it's crucial to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.

The Role of Waste Classification Reports

Waste classification reports in Sydney provide comprehensive documentation of the waste materials, their classification, and recommended disposal methods. These reports are essential for regulatory compliance and serve as a valuable resource for waste management planning.


Proper waste classification in Sydney is a vital component of responsible waste management. By categorizing waste materials based on their characteristics and potential environmental impact, the city can ensure a sustainable and clean future for its residents. Whether you're a business owner or an individual, understanding and following waste classification guideline is a collective responsibility that benefits us all. It's a small step that can make a significant difference in preserving the beauty and health of Sydney's environment.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Sydney's Waste Classification Revolution: Navigating Sustainable Solutions


When it comes to managing waste, understanding how different materials are classified is essential. Waste classification is the process of categorizing waste based on its characteristics, potential hazards, and environmental impact. In Sydney, Australia, waste classification plays a crucial role in waste management and disposal. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of waste classification in Sydney, explore its significance, and highlight the services offered by Sydney Environmental in this regard.

Understanding Waste Classification

Waste Classification Report Sydney involves assessing the type and properties of waste to determine the appropriate handling, storage, treatment, and disposal methods. The goal is to protect public health and the environment by managing waste in a safe and responsible manner.

In Sydney, waste classification is governed by both state and federal regulations. These regulations provide guidelines on how to assess and categorize waste based on various factors such as its physical and chemical properties, toxicity, and potential environmental impact.

Why Waste Classification Matters

Proper waste classification is essential for several reasons:

Environmental Protection: Identifying hazardous waste ensures that it is managed and disposed of in a way that minimizes its impact on the environment, reducing the risk of contamination and pollution.

Health and Safety: Classifying waste accurately helps protect workers, the community, and the ecosystem from exposure to harmful substances.

Waste Classification Sydney
Waste Classification Sydney

Legal Compliance: Adhering to waste classification regulations is mandatory and helps avoid legal penalties associated with improper waste management.

Resource Efficiency: Proper Waste Classification Sydney allows for the recovery and recycling of valuable resources, reducing the need for raw materials.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Professional Waste Classification Sydney Report Available

 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can handle a large amount of spatial data, which is necessary for land evaluation research. As a result, a lot of researchers have used GIS for land evaluation, a process that allows for the integration of multiple attributes and decision-making criteria. Most lenders need it before they will approve a commercial property loan.

They do this to make sure that any hidden contamination will not lower the property's value or make it harder for the borrower to pay back the loan. If the borrower defaults on the mortgage on a commercial real estate property and the bank is forced to foreclose on that property, the lender runs the risk of not foreclosing on a contaminated property. Selling the tainted property is intense which is why you need Remedial Action Plan NSW.

Waste Classification Sydney

Getting the property checked is significant

Land assessment should be visible as a multi-standards choice examination (MCDA) process, which, when joined with GIS, can turn into a strong methodology for land assessment. GIS methods assume a crucial part in the spatial examination, though MCDA gives a rich assortment of devices for organizing choice issues, as well as assessing and focusing on elective choices

The ESA cycle recognizes potential natural worries that could prompt expensive cleanups and is a basic piece of a reasonable level of effort for anybody with a personal stake in the land, including protection guarantors.

Land evaluation relies heavily on input information including Waste Classification Sydney. For each LUT, various qualities and scopes of models exist, characterizing the different appropriateness levels. The available data, the cultivation history, and both local and global knowledge must all be taken into consideration when choosing the criteria. Geospatial and descriptive data were included in the available datasets for land evaluation.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Everything you must know about Remedial Action Plan NSW

Waste Classification Sydney refers to the process of categorizing waste based on its properties and potential risks. In Sydney, there are several guidelines that determine how waste should be classified and handled. These guidelines are aimed at protecting human health and the environment.

One of the most important aspects of waste classification is identifying hazardous waste. This includes waste that contains substances that could be harmful to human health or the environment. Hazardous waste needs to be handled and disposed of in a specific way to prevent contamination.

Another aspect of waste classification is identifying recyclable materials. Recycling is an important part of waste management in Sydney, as it helps to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Recyclable materials can include paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, and metal.

Overall, waste classification is a crucial part of waste management in Sydney. By identifying hazardous waste and recyclable materials, waste can be handled and disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

Remedial Action Plan NSW

A RemedialAction Plan NSW is a document that outlines the steps that will be taken to remediate contaminated land in NSW. RAPs are required for sites that have been identified as contaminated under the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997.

Remedial Action Plan NSW

Remedial Action Plan NSW

The purpose of a RAP is to outline a clear plan for remediation that is consistent with the guidelines set out by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA). A RAP will typically include a description of the site, an assessment of the contamination, and a plan for remediation.

The remediation plan will include specific details on the methods that will be used to remediate the site, including any excavation or treatment of contaminated soil or groundwater. The RAP will also outline the monitoring and validation requirements that will be put in place to ensure that the site is fully remediated.


Overall, a RAP is an important part of contaminated land management in NSW. By outlining a clear plan for remediation, RAPs ensure that contaminated sites are remediated in a safe and effective manner, in line with EPA guidelines.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Remedial Action Plan NSW: The Real Meaning That You Must Know

Asbestos management plan Sydney is the most important thing that can help people to execute the plan in an effective manner. The remedial actionplan NSW will be extremely beneficial for folks to complete their projects with the best plans. There are many things that may ask for a remedial mechanism. It is true that people can get the remedial mechanism from various service providers, but they should always go for the best remedial action plan service provider so that they can enjoy its benefits in the best manner.

Remedial Action Plan NSW

Remedial Action Plan NSW

Are you willing to explore or enjoy the peerless yet unrivaled asbestos management plan or remedial action plan? If yes. This blog is the most amazing place or destination where everyone can augment or heighten their understanding of the top-class remedial action plan or asbestos management plan services. There are many reasons for people to choose the most amazing asbestos management plan as they can be helpful in many ways. There are many reasons for everyone to go for the asbestos management plans. There must be many folks and people unaware of the actual meaning of the remedial action plan, and it is important for people to learn its meaning before trying its benefits and effects. The remedial action plan will help people to get clarity and solutions for various types and kinds of issues related to the land. Go ahead! And claim the top hidden benefits and advantages of the asbestos management plan or remedial action plan.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Drawing The Remedial Action Plan NSW With Professional Service Providers

An engineer must have a reasonably accurate concept of the physical properties and arrangement of the underlying materials before he can intelligently design a foundation. Soil exploration or site investigation refers to the field and laboratory investigations including the Asbestos Management Plan Sydney required to acquire this crucial data.

As a result, the soil must be examined and the best construction material selected. When the soil test results are out, an engineer will help figure this out. In addition, they will decide whether the project should be carried on as planned.

One of the most important reasons to conduct a site investigation is to determine whether your project can proceed safely. Building on certain soils might be dangerous for the workers and the nearby buildings. Work with a qualified professional to conduct a site investigation to avoid legal consequences.

The significance of conducting a site investigation cannot be overstated. It aids in determining a few aspects of a project, including cost reduction and safety enhancement. A site investigation should be considered by every developer for their next project.

Remedial Action Plan NSW

Remedial Action Plan NSW 

Preliminary site assessments begin by outlining the study's scope and determining the kind of information that is required or pertinent, just like any other investigation. The nature of the investigation largely determines the level of detail required. For instance, project feasibility exercises require fewer site details than data collection for engineering design purposes and will require RemedialAction Plan NSW afterwards.

Regarding this, based on the purpose of the investigation, various methodologies are utilized. Sample collection, subsurface exploration, and geographical surveying, in-situ testing, and aerial photographs are among them. After the relevant data have been gathered, they are processed to produce information that is used in project decision-making.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Remedial action plan NSW – The What, Why and How

The remedial action plan NSW is a document that describes the actions that will be taken in response to a contamination incident. It includes information about the impact of the contamination, how it was discovered, what steps are being taken to address the problem and when they are expected to be completed.

Remedial Action Plan NSW
Remedial Action Plan NSW

It will also include information about any costs or expenses associated with addressing the issue.

Contamination assessment

The contamination assessment Sydney is an important step in the remedial action plan. It identifies the extent of contamination and creates a map of the area. The map can be used to determine how much clean-up will be needed and where it should be done.


The contamination assessment process is a vital step toward determining the extent of the contamination, how to clean it up, and what steps need to be completed to mitigate the effects.


-Contamination is defined as any object, substance or material that is not part of the product being produced from your facility. This could be a foreign object that got into the facility during shipping or packaging, spilled chemicals from another plant, etc.


-The first step in assessing contamination is identifying sources within your facility. Once you've identified these sources, you can begin looking for ways to reduce them or remove them altogether.


-The next step is performing an analysis on each source identified above using a variety of tools such as magnets (to detect ferrous metals), hydrocarbons (to detect hydrocarbon leaks) and dye tests (which can be used to detect dyes used in products).

Monday, October 17, 2022

Detailed Site Investigation NSW is Also Known as Phase Two Investigation!

There is always a need to make the correct assessment about contamination. When there is a proposed site for construction work, the contamination detection must be done prior to the start of the construction work. This has become really very essential these days. In Sydney, Australia, authorities are now offering a great importance to this aspect. A site can be only declared for property development once the contamination is not there or it has been eliminated safely and properly once it was traced. So, the time has come to go for the contamination assessment Sydney and ensure that contamination is traced, removed or eliminated in the safest possible manner. If you are about to start the construction work, then hire the best contamination assessment service in Sydney. By taking help of the expert service provider in this field, you can make that site suitable one for further construction.

·         Best way to deal with contamination

They are going to carry out such work in a step by step process. The investigation process takes places in phase wise. In the phase one investigation, they try to figure out possible contamination with soil, ground water and air. During the phase two investigation which is also known as the detailed site investigation NSW, they are going to figure out the type of contamination and the remediation plan for it.

Detailed Site Investigation NSW
Detailed Site Investigation NSW

·         Figuring out the type of contamination

This is how the whole thing works. By taking step by step approach to assess and removal of the contamination, they ensure that contamination there at the site is eliminated safely, properly and completely. There can be different types of contaminations and for them different steps and methods need to be taken for remediation.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Waste Classification Sydney


Waste Classification Sydney
Waste Classification Sydney
Waste Classification Sydney

Understanding the system of the Waste Classification Sydney is imperative when you are thinking of waste management or thinking of getting your land assessed.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Remedial Action Plan NSW is Formed On the Basis of the Type of Contamination!

Proposed sites for property development can have contamination. Without doing proper research and tests to know the contamination, this is not possible to trace the contamination so easily. When you are looking forward to start the construction work at that site, first you need to determine whether or not that site is being contaminated. For this you have to take help of the professionals for sure. They have the right equipments, methods, techniques, ideas and skills to trace any kind of contamination that can be there at the site. For this they follow step by step process. They first opt for the phase one investigation which is also known as the preliminary site investigation NSW. During this phase, they try to figure out whether or not that site is being contaminated. For this they follow a step by step approach such as inspecting the site thoroughly, investigating the ground water level, air and soil to find the possible contamination, doing the tests and researches for the same.

·         This phase is vital

Once the contamination is traced, during the phase two investigation, such a service provider will try to figure out what sort of contamination it is. This is very important! Why? As on the basis of the type of the contamination, the remedial action plan NSW will be prepared. Until and unless the type of the contamination is not known, this plan cannot be formed.

Remedial Action Plan NSW

Remedial Action Plan NSW

·         Proper remedial plan must be formed

For different types of contaminations, the remedial plan can differ. Safely disposal of the contaminating elements is always essential. This is how the human health and environment can remain safe further from a possible contamination.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Waste Classification Sydney Classifies the Wastes On the Basis of Certain Factors!

As far as the waste materials are concerned, they can be found in different forms these days. On the basis of their types and forms, wastes are also classified into different categories. Non hazardous, hazardous, solid waste, liquid waste, semi solid waste, and asbestos carrying wastes are a few to name. The deposition of the waste can also trigger contamination like issues. Waste can merge into the environment of that area and can create contamination that is tough to deal with. If you are in Sydney and want to go for property development at a site, then first you need to determine the possible waste which is present there. For this you have to generate the waste classification report Sydney first. And this is where you must take help of the professional waste classification service provider. Such a service provider will inspect the site to trace the type of waste present there and can give the report that tells more about what sort of waste is found and what steps can be taken to eliminate it safely.

Waste Classification Sydney
Waste Classification Sydney

·         It must be disposed safely

Safe disposal of the waste must remain as the prime concern here. Waste can be easily found these days at different property development sites. Until and unless that waste is removed from the site, you cannot just start the construction work there. This is where the waste classification Sydney can bring a great help for you.

·         Classifying the wastes

In order to classify the type of waste, the service provider is going to consider a few factors. Waste can be classified on the basis of the source of their release, how hazardous they can be and physical characteristics.